AD101-01 | High Pure dNTPs (2.5 mM or 10 mM) - AD101 - 1 ml (2.5 mM) | 3 |
AD101-11 | High Pure dNTPs (2.5 mM or 10 mM) - AD101 - 1 ml (10 mM) | 4 |
AD101-12 | High Pure dNTPs (2.5 mM or 10 mM) - AD101 - 5 x 1 ml (10 mM) | 0 |
AD201-01 | TransDirect Animal Tissue PCR Kit - AD201 - 100 rx | 0 |
AD201-12 | TransDirect Animal Tissue PCR Kit - AD201 - 500 rx (BUFFER SET ONLY) | 6 |
AD501-01 | TransDirect Mouse Genotyping PCR Kit - AD501 - 100 rx | 1 |
AD501-02 | TransDirect Mouse Genotyping PCR Kit - AD501 - 500 rx | 1 |
AH301-02 | TransScript® II First-Strand cDNA Synthesis SuperMix (with oligos) - AH301 - 50 rx | 1 |
AH301-03 | TransScript® II First-Strand cDNA Synthesis SuperMix (with oligos) - AH301 - 100 rx | 5 |
AP101-01 | TransFast® Taq DNA Polymerase (6 kb/min) - AP101 - 500 u | 2 |
AP101-02 | TransFast® Taq DNA Polymerase (6 kb/min) - AP101 - 6 x 500u | 3 |
AP101-11 | TransFast® Taq DNA Polymerase (6 kb/min) - AP101 - 500u + dNTPs | 1 |
AP111-01 | EasyTaq DNA Polymerase - AP111 - 500u | 5 |
AP111-02 | EasyTaq DNA Polymerase - AP111 - 6 x 500u | 7 |
AP111-03 | EasyTaq DNA Polymerase - AP111 - 4 x 2 500u | 2 |
AP111-11 | EasyTaq DNA Polymerase - AP111 - 500u + dNTPs | 9 |
AP111-13 | EasyTaq DNA Polymerase - AP111 - 4 x 2 500u + dNTPs | 1 |
AP141-01 | TransStart® Taq DNA Polymerase - AP141 - 250 u | 2 |
AP141-02 | TransStart® Taq DNA Polymerase - AP141 - 500 u | 1 |
AP221-02 | TransStart FastPfu High-Fidelity DNA Polymerase - AP221 - 500u | 2 |
AP221-11 | TransStart FastPfu High-Fidelity DNA Polymerase - AP221 - 250u + dNTPs | 2 |
AP231-01 | TransStart FastPfu FLY DNA Polymerase (Ultra High-Fidelity) - AP231 - 250u | 4 |
AP231-02 | TransStart FastPfu FLY DNA Polymerase (Ultra High-Fidelity) - AP231 - 500u | 4 |
AP231-03 | TransStart FastPfu FLY DNA Polymerase (Ultra High-Fidelity) - AP231 - 6 x 500u | 0 |
AP231-11 | TransStart FastPfu FLY DNA Polymerase (Ultra High-Fidelity) - AP231 - 250u + dNTPs | 5 |
AP231-12 | TransStart FastPfu FLY DNA Polymerase (Ultra High-Fidelity) - AP231 - 500u + dNTPs | 3 |
AP231-13 | TransStart FastPfu FLY DNA Polymerase (Ultra High-Fidelity) - AP231 - 6 x 500u + dNTPs | 1 |
AP301-12 | TransStart KD Plus DNA Polymerase (Ultra-HiFi) - AP301 - 200 u + dNTPs | 1 |
AP401-11 | PerfectStart Taq DNA Polymerase (no E.Coli gDNA) - AP401 - 250u + dNTPs | 1 |
AQ321-01 | TransScript® II Probe One-Step qRT-PCR SuperMix - AQ321 | 1 |
AQ322-01 | TransScript® II Multiplex Probe One-Step qRT-PCR SuperMix UDG - AQ322 | 3 |
AQ601-01 | PerfectStart Green qPCR SuperMix (SYBR green) - AQ601 - 1 ml (100 rx) | 2 |
AQ601-02 | PerfectStart Green qPCR SuperMix (SYBR green) - AQ601 - 5 x 1ml (500 rx) | 2 |
AQ601-03 | PerfectStart Green qPCR SuperMix (SYBR green) - AQ601 - 15 x 1 ml (1 500 rx) | 1 |
AS111-11 | 2x EasyTaq PCR SuperMix (with or w/o dye) - AS111 - with dye (blue mix) 1 ml (40 rx) | 2 |
AS111-12 | 2x EasyTaq PCR SuperMix (with or w/o dye) - AS111 - with dye (blue mix) 5 ml (200 rx) | 4 |
AS231-02 | 2×TransStart FastPfu FLY (Ultra-HiFi) PCR SuperMix - AS231 - 5 x 1ml (200 rx) | 2 |
AT301-02 | TransScript® First-Strand cDNA Synthesis SuperMix (with oligos) - AT301 - 50 x 20 ul rx | 1 |
AT311-02 | TransScript One-Step gDNA Removal and cDNA Synthesis SuperMix (+oligos) - AT311 - 50 rx | 0 |
AT311-03 | TransScript One-Step gDNA Removal and cDNA Synthesis SuperMix (+oligos) - AT311 - 100 rx | 1 |
AT341-01 | TransScript All-in-One First-Strand cDNA Synthesis SuperMix for qPCR (+gDNA Removal) - AT341 - 50 x 20 ul rx | 2 |
AT341-02 | TransScript All-in-One First-Strand cDNA Synthesis SuperMix for qPCR (+gDNA Removal) - AT341 - 100 x 20 ul rx | 2 |
AU311-02 | TransScript® -Uni One-Step gDNA Removal and cDNA Synthesis SuperMix (with oligos) - AU311 - 50 rx (20ul) | 1 |
BCF02-50 | MicroElute Gel/PCR Purification MF Columns - BCF02-50 - 50 columns | 1 |
BCF04-50 | MicroElute Plasmid Miniprep MP Columns - BCF04-50 - 50 columns | 2 |
BCF05-50 | FavorPrep™ Genomic DNA Extraction MicroElute Columns - BCF05 - 50 columns | 1 |
BCP02-M-5 | Favorgen Plasmid MidiPrep Columns (affinity resin) - BCP02-M-5 - 5 columns | 0 |
BCR04-50 | FAVORGEN shredder - BCR04-50 - 50 rx | 6 |
BCR06-50 | MicroElute RNA Purification Columns - BCR06-50 - 50 columns | 2 |
BF-WASH-50 | Wash Buffer for Favorgen Gel/PCR Purification Kit - BF-WASH | 4 |
BF-ELUT-30 | Elution Buffer for Favorgen Plasmid and Gel/PCR Purification Kits - BF-ELUT - 30 ml | 2 |
BM121-01 | Trans2K Plus II DNA Marker - BM121 - 100 lanes (500 ul) | 2 |
BM141-01 | Trans5K DNA Marker - BM141 - 100 lanes (500 ul) | 3 |
BM141-02 | Trans5K DNA Marker - BM141 - 500 lanes (5 x 500 ul) | 1 |
BM161-01 | Trans15K DNA Marker - BM161 - 100 lanes (500 ul) | 1 |
BM201-01 | 1kb DNA ladder - BM201 - 100 lanes (500 ul) | 2 |
BM201-02 | 1kb DNA ladder - BM201 - 500 lanes (5 x 500 ul) | 1 |
BM211-01 | 1kb Plus DNA Ladder - BM211 - 100 lanes (500 ul) | 3 |
BM211-02 | 1kb Plus DNA Ladder - BM211 - 500 lanes (5 x 500 ul) | 2 |
BM301-01 | 100 bp DNA ladder - BM301 - 100 lanes (500 ul) | 3 |
BM301-02 | 100 bp DNA ladder - BM301 - 500 lanes (5 x 500 ul) | 2 |
BM311-02 | 100bp Plus DNA Ladder - BM311 - 500 lanes (5 x 500 ul) | 1 |
BM321-01 | 100bp Plus II DNA Ladder - BM321 - 100 lanes (500 ul) | 2 |
BM321-02 | 100bp Plus II DNA Ladder - BM321 - 100 lanes (5x500 ul) | 3 |
CB501-01 | pEASY-Blunt Zero Cloning Kit - CB501 - 20 rx | 1 |
CB-CMVF-01 | CMV Forward Primer (100 µM) - CB-CMVF-01 - 50 ul | 4 |
CB-KLD10 | KLD Mix for Back-to-Back Site-Directed Mutagenesis - 10 rx | 2 |
CB-KLD20 | KLD Mix for Back-to-Back Site-Directed Mutagenesis - 20 rx | 2 |
CC-P100 | P series Variable Volume Micropipette (autoclavable) - 10-100 ul | 4 |
CC-P2 | P series Variable Volume Micropipette (autoclavable) - 0.1-2 ul | 1 |
CC-P20 | P series Variable Volume Micropipette (autoclavable) - 2-20 ul | 3 |
CC-P200 | P series Variable Volume Micropipette (autoclavable) - 20-200 ul | 3 |
CD101-02 | Trans10 ( Top10, DH10B ) Competent Cell - CD101 - 20 x 100 ul | 1 |
CD201-02 | Trans5α ( DH5α ) Competent Cell - CD201 - 20 x 100 ul | 1 |
CD311-02 | Trans110 dam-/dcm- Competent Cell - CD311 - 10 x 100 ul | 1 |
CD411-02 | Trans2-Blue ( XL10-Gold ) Competent Cell - CD411 - 10 x 100 ul | 2 |
CD411-03 | Trans2-Blue ( XL10-Gold ) Competent Cell - CD411 - 20 x 100 ul | 1 |
CD501-02 | Trans1-T1 Phage Resistant Competent Cell (fast growth) - CD501 - 10 x 100 ul | 3 |
CD501-03 | Trans1-T1 Phage Resistant Competent Cell (fast growth) - CD501 - 20 x 100 ul | 1 |
CD521-01 | TransStbl3 ( Stbl3 ) Competent Cell - CD521 - 10 x 100 ul | 3 |
CD521-02 | TransStbl3 ( Stbl3 ) Competent Cell - CD521 - 20 x 100 ul | 2 |
CT020-50 | Favorgen 2 ml Collection Tubes for MiniPrep Columns - CT020-50 - 50 tubes | 5 |
CT101-01 | pEASY®-T1 Cloning Kit - CT101 - 20 rx | 1 |
CU101-11 | pEASY-Uni Seamless Cloning and DNA Assembly Kit - CU101 - 1 x 100 ul | 1 |
DL101-02 | 6x Protein Loading Buffer - DL101 - 5 x 1 ml | 3 |
EC301-01 | MagicPure® Viral DNA/RNA Purification Kit (+/- magnetic rack) - EC301 - 50 rx with rack | 1 |
EC301-11 | MagicPure® Viral DNA/RNA Purification Kit (+/- magnetic rack) - EC301 - 50 rx w/o rack | 1 |
EC501-01 | MagicPure RNA Purification Magnetic Beads - EC501 - 1 ml | 1 |
EC511-01 | MagicPure mRNA Magnetic Purification Kit - EC511 - 24 rx | 1 |
EE101-01 | EasyPure Genomic DNA Extraction Kit (+ Proteinase K) - EE101 - 50 rx + RNase A | 1 |
EE101-02 | EasyPure Genomic DNA Extraction Kit (+ Proteinase K) - EE101 - 200 rx + RNase A | 1 |
EE131-01 | BloodZol™ (with Proteinase K) - EE131 - For 50 ml blood | 1 |
EE201-01 | EasyPure® Buccal Swab Genomic DNA Extraction Kit (+ Proteinase K)- EE201 - 50 rx | 2 |
EM101-01 | EasyPure Plasmid MiniPrep Kit - EM101 - 50 rx | 2 |
EM101-02 | EasyPure Plasmid MiniPrep Kit - EM101 - 200 rx | 3 |
EP101-01 | EasyPure® PCR Purification Kit - EP101 - 50 rx | 2 |
ER101-01 | EasyPure RNA Extraction Kit (+DNase I, + Proteinase K) - ER101 - 50 rx | 1 |
ER201-01 | EasyPure Viral DNA/RNA Kit (with Proteinase K) - ER201 - 50 rx | 1 |
ER501-01 | TransZol Up Plus RNA Kit - ER501 - 100 rx | 1 |
ET101-01 | TransZol - RNA Extraction - ET101 - 100 ml | 5 |
FAATR-001 | FavorPrep™ AfterTri-RNA Purification MiniPrep Kit - FAATR-001 - 50 rx | 1 |
FABGK-001 | FavorPrep™ Blood Genomic DNA Extraction MiniPrep Kit (with Proteinase K) - FABGK-001 - 50 rx | 1 |
FABRK-001-1 | FavorPrep Blood/Cultured Cell Total RNA MiniPrep Kit - FABRK-001 - 100 rx | 1 |
FABRK-001-2 | FavorPrep Blood/Cultured Cell Total RNA MiniPrep Kit - FABRK-001 - 300 rx | 1 |
FAFFM-050 | FavorPrep FFPE Tissue DNA Extraction MicroElute Kit - FAFFM - 50 rx | 1 |
FAFTE-001-EF-00 | FavorFilter Plasmid DNA Extraction MAXIPrep Kit (EndoToxin-Free) - FAFTE-001-EF - 4 rx | 2 |
FAFTE-002 | FavorFilter Plasmid DNA Extraction MidiPrep Kit - FAFTE-002 - 25 rx | 1 |
FAFTE-002-1 | FavorFilter Plasmid DNA Extraction MidiPrep Kit - FAFTE-002 - 50 rx | 1 |
FAFYG-001 | FavorPrep™ Fungi/ Yeast Genomic DNA Extraction MiniPrep Kit - FAFYG - 50 rx | 1 |
FAGCK-001-1 | FavorPrep GEL/PCR Purification Kit - FAGCK-001 - 300 rx | 6 |
FAGDC-001 | FavorPrep™ Genomic DNA Clean-Up Kit - FAGCD - 50 rx | 1 |
FAPDE-002- | FavorPrep Plasmid DNA Extraction MidiPrep Kit - FAPDE-002 - 25 rx | 1 |
FAPDE-002-1 | FavorPrep Plasmid DNA Extraction MidiPrep Kit - FAPDE-002 - 50 rx | 1 |
FAPDE-002-EF | FavorPrep Plasmid DNA Extraction MidiPrep Kit (EndoToxin-Free) - FAPDE-002-EF - 25 rx | 2 |
FAPDE-003-1 | FavorPrep™ Plasmid DNA Extraction MAXIPrep Kit (Ion Exchange) - FAPDE-003 - 20 rx | 2 |
FAPDE-300 | FavorPrep Plasmid DNA Extraction MiniPrep Kit (for < 3ml) - FAPDE-300 - 300 rx | 16 |
FAPDE-300-CAPLESS | FavorPrep™ Plasmid DNA Extraction MiniPrep Kit (capless | 1 |
FAPGK-001 | FavorPrep Plant Genomic DNA Extraction MiniPrep Kit - FAPGK-001 - 50 rx | 1 |
FAPRK-001 | FavorPrep™ Plant Total RNA MiniPrep Kit - FAPRK-001 - 50 rx | 1 |
FAPWE-96001 | FavorPrep 96-well Plasmid Miniprep Extraction Kit - FAPWE-96 - 1 plates | 1 |
FAPWE-96004 | FavorPrep 96-well Plasmid Miniprep Extraction Kit - FAPWE-96 - 4 plates | 2 |
FASOI-001 | FavorPrep Soil DNA Isolation MiniPrep Kit - FASOI-001 - 50 rx | 1 |
FATGM-001 | FavorPrep™ Tissue Genomic DNA Extraction MicroElute Kit (with Proteinase K) - 50 rx | 1 |
FATRK-001-2 | FavorPrep Tissue Total RNA MiniPrep Kit - FATRK-001 - 300 rx | 1 |
FATRK-P-050 | FavorPrep Total RNA Plus MiniPrep Kit - FATRK-P | 1 |
FATRR-001 | FavorPrep Tri-RNA Reagent - FATRR - 100ml | 1 |
FAVNK-001 | FavorPrep Viral Nucleic Acid Extraction Kit I (with carrier RNA - low viral load) - FAVNK-001 - 50 rx | 2 |
FL101-01 | T4 DNA Ligase - FL101 - 10 000 u | 2 |
FL101-02 | T4 DNA Ligase - FL101 - 20 000 u | 2 |
FM301-02 | TransDetect Mycoplasma Detection Luciferase Kit - FM301 - 50 rx | 1 |
FM301-03 | TransDetect Mycoplasma Detection Luciferase Kit - FM301 - 200 rx | 0 |
FM311-01 | TransDetect Mycoplasma Detection PCR Kit - FM311 - 100 rx | 1 |
GD201-01 | DNase I (RNase-free) - GD201 - 1 500 u | 2 |
GG201-01 | Kanamycin - GG201-01 | 1 |
GH201-01 | 2x RNA Loading Buffer - GH201 - 1 ml | 2 |
GH101-01 | 6x DNA Loading Buffer - GH101-01 - 5 x 1 ml | 3 |
GI101-02 | ddH2O (Sterile Nuclease-Free water) - GI101-01 - 100 ml (4 x 25 ml) | 1 |
GI201-01 | RNase-Free water - GI201 - 25 ml | 8 |
GK101-01 | 10x EasyTaq Buffer (with Mg2+) – GK101 - 1.2 ml | 20 |
GK221-01 | 5×TransStart® FastPfu Fly Buffer - GK221 - 1.2 ml | 10 |
GQ201-01 | MagicPure Magnetic Rack (16 places) - GQ201 - 1 rack | 4 |
GS101-01 | GelStain - GS101 - 500 ul | 1 |
GS101-02 | GelStain - GS101 - 1 ml | 0 |
GS201-01 | Agarose (low melting point)- GS201 - 100 g | 1 |
JB101-01 | FlyCut™ Bam HI - JB101 - 5 000 u | 1 |
JE101-01 | FlyCut™ Eag I - JE101 - 250 u | 2 |
JE201-01 | FlyCut™ EcoRI - JE201 - 5 000 u | 1 |
JK101-01 | FlyCut Kpn I - JK101 - 2 000 u | 1 |
JN201-01 | FlyCut™ Nde I - JN201 - 2 000 u | 1 |
JN301-01 | FlyCut™ Nhe I - JN301 - 500 u | 1 |
JP101-01 | FlyCut Pst I - JP101 - 5 000 u | 1 |
JP201-01 | FlyCut™ Pvu I - JP201 - 250 u | 2 |
JS101-01 | FlyCut™ Sac I - JS101 - 1 000 u | 1 |
JS101-02 | FlyCut™ Sac I - JS101 - 2 000 u | 1 |
JS201-01 | FlyCut™ Sac II - JS201 - 1 000 u | 1 |
JS301-01 | FlyCut™ Sal I - JS301 - 1 000 u | 0 |
JS401-01 | FlyCut Sca I - JS401 - 500 u | 1 |
JS601-01 | FlyCut Spe I - JS601 - 250 u | 1 |
JS701-01 | FlyCut™ Sph I - JS701 - 250 u | 1 |
LE101-01 | T7 Endonuclease I - LE101 - 250 u | 1 |
JN401-01 | FlyCut™ Not I - JN401 - 250 u | 1 |
JX201-01 | FlyCut™ Xho I - JX201 - 2500 u | 1 |
JX101-01 | FlyCut™ Xba I - JX101 - 2500 u | 2 |
AD101-02 | High Pure dNTPs - AD101 - 5 x 1 ml (2.5 mM) | 1 |